March 18

Best WordPress page builder to create Hight converting website


Supposing your goal is to create a simple website, consisting of a home page divided into several sections; through which you explain your company's services and show contact information. In that case, WordPress page builders such as beaver builder, Divi, or Elementor will be a suitable choice for you.

thrive architect

But if you have a service or a product, and you want to create a website that focuses on Converting visitors into customers, and increasing sales. Then I can assure you that the WordPress page builder "Thrive architect" is the best option, and I will explain why if you continue reading till the end.

This article is not sponsored by Thrive company. Still, we want to share with you our experience with these tools, in addition, if you check out their website, you will find that the price of these tools is 299 dollars per year, but at the end of this article, I will show you how to get all of them for less than 25 dollars with a lifetime update.

Today's buying process has become more complicated than before. It is challenging to bring in sales for your service or product from your first ad, and this is what Marketing Rule Number 7 states.

rule number 7

That is why you must know what the customer journey is ?

The customer journey is the path a customer takes to purchase a product or service.

It's divided into three major stages that must deal with each stage in a specific way:




The first stage is called "Awareness."

At this point, the potential customer has not yet realized the existence of a problem for which he need solution.

This time is appropriate to provide valuable information, whether textual or video, so that you begin to build trust with the customer and make him feel that he is in the right place.

At this stage, It must be noted that there is a specific problem, and that the potential customer must search more to find out the solution.

And the nice thing about it is that you can use the Thrive Architect page builder to create articles. This gives you a smooth flow by converting the post design from very ordinary, to a post that attracts readers' interest and makes them perform the conversion you want.

The second stage is "Consideration".

The customer at this stage may have realized that there is a problem that he must fix, He is interested in finding the appropriate solutions.

And to make sure that he has moved from the "awareness" to the "consideration" stage, you have to make the customer willing to exchange his email for initial solutions to his problem. These solutions can be:

  • A free eBook
  • An educational video
  • Pre-made templates
  • Tutorials
  • Guide
  • Check list

or anything, that can help him approach the solution.

in the marketing world they call all of these things, Lead magnets.

And here comes the role of Thrive Leads, which provides to show up forms with all possible ways to capture a customer’s email, and send them the Lead Magnet automatically through an Email Marketing Service Provider , without your intervention.

the email capture can be :

PopUp Lightbox

An unblockable overlay (a.k.a. popup) that is displayed above your content and is very attention-grabbing.

"Sticky" Ribbon

Add a ribbon type form which shows at the top of the screen and remains "sticky" as the visitor scrolls down the page.

In-Line Forms

Automatically insert an opt-in form at the bottom of your posts or insert them anywhere using a simple short code.

2-Step Opt-In Form

Create a 2-step signup process by adding buttons or links that open a lightbox on click.

And many other types

In addition, there are many ready-to-use and pre-tested designs with high conversions.

As soon as the visitor agrees to give you his email in exchange for the lead magnet that you offered to him, this is considered conclusive evidence that he has passed the consideration stage

The last stage is "Decision".

Now you have the email, so you must send him a series of emails. You give valuable information, criticize the solutions in the market, and mention the weaknesses of these solutions, and why there are unsuitable for him.

When you reach this stage, the potential customer knows what they need to solve their problem. He becomes aware, not only of his need, but also of the solutions available to him.

At this stage, the potential customer evaluates the options available in the market, to determine the ideal strategy to solve his problem

We arrived to the most crucial part of your marketing campaign, offer your service.

And here, you will need  the WordPress page builder Thrive architect,  to make a  landing page. By using drag and drop, and front end editing, you can create professional pages to present your service.

wordpress page builder


  • With this WordPress page builder you can style every detail without a single line of code, also Instantly Preview Your Page on Different Screen Sizes.
  • There are many mobile optimized landing pages, ready to use, that have been previously tested to bring Hight conversion rate.
  • Also, you can save any design you create with thrive architect, and use it on other pages, but also on another website that uses thrive architect, which gives you the possibility to hire some one  to create any design for you.

Below, you will find some professionals you can hire to create any design you want using thrive architect, and simply save your time.

And now, you need to use some marketing tactics and techniques, to convince and pressure the potential customer to buy your service:

The first technique is to Show testimonials.

Showing testimonials of your previous customers who have tried your service or product, can increase the number of sales by 34%. The majority of people make their decisions based on the opinions of others.

 Who among us does not read reviews before buying a service or product?

Thrive ovation will enable you to quickly create these testimonials, with more than beautiful designs and show them anywhere you want within your landing page.

As I use thrive architect to create this article that you read right now, I can show you an example of a testimonial design look a like facebook comment with heart icon:

John Doe Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.


Like  Reply  10h

Second: Using the scarcity technique

The scarcity technique is one of the methods that make the potential customer, give more importance to buying the service or product as soon as possible, for example:

  • You add a specific value only for the first 100 buyers
  • Or you make a particular discount for the first 50 buyers

And here the customer feels that he has a beautiful opportunity, that he should not miss.

A fully customized plugin, named the Thrive Ultimatum, enables you to set a countdown to the expiry of the discount for your service or product.


You missed out!

It also provides you with many adjustable designs, with different sizes, you can put in many places on the sale page, also it comes with many configuration options.

The third technique is A/B testing.

When you have finished preparing the sale page completely, you have reached the last step, A/B testing.

The principle of the A/B testing is to create a copy of the sale page, and change only one of the essential elements, which are:

  • The main title of the page
  • Page subtitle
  • used photos
  •  Main colors

Then you notice which version brings more conversions

Of course, you will now ask how you will do all this?

Thrive Optimize is the best plugin to do all of these tests quickly, the steps are very easy:

  • Go to the landing page you want to run test on
  • Press the duplicate button
  • Change the elements you want to run the test on
  • Launch the campaign
A /B testing

After getting enough data, the plugin will select the winning version for you.

To summarize

1.  Thrive architect alone is a great page builder compared to others, But in addition to his family of tools, Thrive architect becomes unbeatable page builder without a doubt.

2.  As you can see, the developers of Thrive plugins, pay great attention to everything related to marketing methods and techniques، and make updates that help you develop your business significantly.

3.  They also provide educational videos, showing you how to deal with every single plugin, and have a friendly community to share ideas and suggestions.

How to get all the Thrive tools at the lowest price?

As we see earlier on this article that the annual subscription price for these tools is $299, but there is a way to get it for less than 25 dollars, and it is through an agency license, this license make agencies that create websites for their clients install thrive tools at lowest price.

We bring to you some services that install thrive tools using agency license at a low price you only need to choose the service that suits you, and it will not take more than 20 minutes to install all the tools.

Get Access to
All Thrive tools!

Choose one of the services that gives you access to all thrive themes tools through their agency license at lowest price starting at $10

We come up to the end of this article, I hope you found it helpful, don't forget to subscribe to our channel, great topics are coming up, See you in the next article ?.


Digital marketing, Thrive architect, Thrive themes tools, Wordpress page builder

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